Adoption Timeline

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving (very late)

Okay, I know I'm super late posting Thanksgiving activities.  It has been a crazy week in which I have been out on the road just about every day and getting things ready for a baby shower for my sister-in-law during the times at home.  Anyway,  for thanksgiving I  thought of a couple of activities/crafts that Hunter and I could do that would help work on tracing, cutting, and writing skills.  So for the Neild side's Thanksgiving feast we made a little turkey which we filled with nuts and candy corn to set at each person's place at the table.  For the Schaetzle table, we made little Mayflowers with each person's name.  We also read a few books about the first Thanksgiving to help Hunter understand why we celebrate this holiday.  It was a fun few days.
Putting faces on the turkey heads

The body was a pudding cup and the feathers were Hunters hands which he traced.

Mayflowers ready to go

Mayflower made from half of a walnut shell, toothpick, modeling clay, and paper sail.

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