Adoption Timeline

Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Shower Saturday

Saturday, I helped host a baby shower that has been many years coming.  It was for Scott's sister who brought home her daughter from China a month ago.  I made the cake and planned the games, which included one in which participants had to get little items like safety pins, quetips, and pacifier candies out of a bowl of rice using only chopsticks.  It was fun.  Of course, I was so busy leading games and serving cake that I didn't get any pics.  Then my sister-in-law asked me to man her camera while she opened gifts.  Therefore my camera was still abandoned, so I'll share what I took prior to the shower.
My niece, at least as close as I could capture her in cake form.

My niece in real life; of course she had just been awakened from a nap.

My sister-in-law mentioned that my niece was having a hard time attaching to any blanky or lovey, so I made this little one.  The front side is a Chinese flag and the back is all yellow.  It's only 12x15" and super soft, so maybe this one will appeal to her.  My sister gave me this idea, and next I am trying to make her some Ethiopian flag loveys for a friend of hers.  I'll post those when I get them done.  After that I'll have to try doing a Filipino flag for us. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That cake is so adorable! And the skin tone looks just right. =)