Adoption Timeline

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekend in KY

This past weekend, Hunter and I went with Grandpa and Grandma Neild down to KY to visit my sister and her kids.  Saturday was the twins fifth birthday.  Of course, it was all about the princesses, especially Princess Tiana.  Hunter doesn't seem to mind.  In fact he usually plays princesses with the best of them, even often donning a princess dress and shoes from the dress-up box when he is there playing with his cousins.
Essie and Chloe pose with their princess castle cake at their 5th birthday party.

This time we took Hunter's bike, thank goodness, because with the wonderful temperatures the bikes were the big hit activity all weekend long.  Most days they were out riding by 8:30am, and the bikes did not get put back into the shed until evening clean-up around 7:30pm. 
Amsalu even learned to ride without training wheels this weekend.  He just told Mickey on Monday morning to take them off.  Mickey couldn't get them off but he did twist them up.  Amsalu took off riding and did great.  We're very proud of him.  It only took him about three weeks to master this totally new skill. 

Hunter and I made a pinata for the girls party.  We did that Saturday afternoon.  The kids all got a turn swinging and each ended up with a baggie of candy for the weekend.  It was fun for the kids and fun for the grown-ups to watch.  I videoed each kid's turn but they all take to long to upload so just a couple are below.

Showing off the final reward--fists full of candy.

Needless to say, it was a fun-filled weekend.  I tried to post things that are different from Amy's blog, so check out hers too.  Stay tuned to the next post for the rest of our activities.

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