Adoption Timeline

Monday, August 23, 2010

Odds and Ends

Well, where have the last ten days gone?  Some were devoted to a sick boy (now making a sick Momma); some devoted to summer gardening and canning; some to various other things that keep my days busy.  A few highlights and stories from our family from the last week or two:
  • Hunter received his first major scratch from the kitty.  As I was cleaning his hand and applying bandaids he said, "Why did he do this? Oh, I'm just so hopeless!" Mom turned to the medicine cabinet real fast to hide a laugh. Not sure exactly what he was meaning.
  • My sister brought home two sons from Ethiopia two weekends ago.  Hunter was checking out some video of them on their blog.  He told me, " Yep, me and those boy cousins are just really gonna get good together."  Let's hope that's true, right, Amy?
  • My sister-in-law finally got their referral for a beautiful 8-month-old girl from China last week.  We are all soooooo excited.  Hunter took her a balloon and said, "This is for baby H when she comes. I am so happy."  I don't think he understands that mylar balloons won't last for another 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Hunter and cousin T playing pirate when they visited one night.  Hunter has his fierce face on.
  • Most precious of all,  Hunter to friend K in the back seat of the car, "That's a picture of Heaven.  You know how you get to Heaven? By asking Jesus to come into your heart.  When are you gonna ask Jesus to live in your heart, K____?"  K replied, "I already did that, Hunter."  Hunter, "Me, too.  Good now we can go there together."  The gospel according to 4 year olds...Mom had to blink pretty hard in the front seat.

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