Adoption Timeline

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A New Member of the Family

We decided to add a new member to the family, this one being feline.  Our outside mouser has been gone for almost a year, and Scott said that when our vacations were over and things settled down, we could get a kitten from his uncle up the road.  H-man picked the gray one out of the three, and we actually managed to catch it, amazing considering these 3 kittens have been running all over his greenhouse with not much human interaction.  I came home with a few scratches and a small bite mark from one of the other two (so glad he didn't want that one).  The little thing was loaded with fleas and other unseen things I'm sure and would crouch, hide and hiss any time one of us reached for it.  However, a few days of persistent interactions and good flea and worm treatment later has given us a kitten with a brand new personality and name, "Bullseye".  He is quite fun although somehow he is not being left outdoors to learn to hunt.  Funny how I find him in the house for many, many hours each day.

Hunter was argueing with me over the fact that this kitty is a girl even though Mommy is quite sure it's a boy.  I finally asked how he could tell.  He replied, "Because of all the strings hanging out."  While he said this, he was pointing to it's face.  I said, "You mean these special hairs; they are called whiskers."  He said, "Yes, it has so many whiskers, and girl kittens have more whiskers than boy kittens."  So that settles it! 


Anonymous said...

so cute!! love the video and Hunter's face in the second pic! kittens are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Every child needs a kitten! Uncle Richard and I both love cats. You will have such a good time with it. I look at your blog every day - I enjoy it a lot. God bless
Aunt Karen