Adoption Timeline

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Time to Plant

Despite the high temps last week, Scott got the garden tilled and ready for planting. Then Hunter and I spent one whole morning putting in seeds and plants. He did a really good job helping me with the sweet corn and cucumbers, a vested interest, I think, since he loves both of them. Then his interest kind of waned although I have to admit I kind of discouraged him from helping me with some seeds like carrots and radishes because they are so doggone small even I have trouble with them. He also liked helping with the tomato plants and onion sets.
Then however we moved on to driving trucks in the nice fluffy dirt, and...

examining the garden dirt with our "wobble goggles". The child is still infatuated with Imagination Movers, a show on the Disney channel. Luckily it's all about problem-solving, so the teacher in me is fine with that show.

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