Adoption Timeline

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Saying goodbye to Tucker

How do you say goodbye?
Friend of more than a decade,
Always available, always loyal,
Protector, playmate, confidant,
How do you say goodbye?

How do you say goodbye
When the pain is ever -worsening,
The appetite has left and
The body just won't obey,
How do you say goodbye?

How do you say goodbye?
Remembering times past
Of time spent playing ball,
Rides in the car and
Jumping through the snow,
How do you say goodbye?

Goodbye, dear friend, You were loved and
You will be greatly missed,
Dear friend, Goodbye!


Anonymous said...

I have been praying all day that you would feel peace today. I am so sorry this day has come for you, but I think it was the right decision and the right time too. That was such a sweet poem and love the pics too. I will continue to pray for you this weekend and get a stone with his name to you hopefully next week. I love you Trix-

Anonymous said...

I showed the blog to mom- she's crying now too- she says she is really sorry about losing Tucker and she will be praying and thinking about you too.