Adoption Timeline

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Leaves - Piles of Fun

One day recently, Hunter was begging me to go rake leaves.  I couldn't understand the big push to give ourselves more work.  If you know anything about our house, it has open fields on either side which the wind tends to whip through.  So we almost never rake leaves; they just all blow across the field and out to the woods.  Of course I soon realized the motivation.  How could I forget what pure, uncomplicated fun it is as a kid to rake up a big pile of leaves and jump into it, over and over again.  It's definitely one of the perks of the season and a childhood joy.  I'm not sure why he needed the fireman raincoat and hat on, but it definitely adds something to the pictures.  Enjoy!

Raking up the pile

Oh the joy of jumping into a big leaf pile

Tough guy pose for mom

Almost buried by leaves

What a handsome dude!

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