Adoption Timeline

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Adoption prayer request

I just received an email from our agency giving me another two questions to give more information about to the Intercountry Adoption Board in the Philippines. This is very frustrating because one of the questions again asks for more clarification on my abnormal PAI-1 levels which is why I have repeatedly miscarried and really why we decided to try to adopt. We have already sent a letter from my doctor yet they keep questioning.

This also means that we have not even been approved yet to adopt by the Philippines board. Honestly this had me in tears because I was expecting to hear that we had been approved a couple of months ago and just not informed in a timely manner. They have had our dossier since March, and we figured that no news was good news.

Please pray that my answers will reassure them and that we will be approved to adopt quickly. We were told that once we were approved, we would probably have a year to wait until we are matched with a child. These delays in our application approval are only adding more time on to that year. We are trying to wait patiently on God's timing, so please pray that delays like this don't bog us down emotionally and spiritually.

Thanks, everybody!

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