Adoption Timeline

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Firefighters visit the Library

Storytime at the library was exciting last week.  The local firefighters came to talk to the kids about fire safety.  Hunter was a great listener.  Afterwards he kept telling me to get low to the good air and go.  He also made me push the battery testers on our smoke alarms when we got home.  It also started us working on things you don't often think about like how to call 911 and where to meet in case of a fire.  It is a good educational opportunity provided by the firefighters and our library. 

Listening intently

Finding out what all the buttons and levers do

In the front of the firetruck

In the back of the firetruck checking out all the nozzles and pump controls

Hunter was fascinated with all of the "earmuffs" (headphones) in the front of the firetruck. Even though I didn't get a great pic, one of our local firefighters is quite the ringer for Russell Crowe.  Yep, Amy, scroll back up and try to see.  He's the one in the turn-out gear.  Made me think of Beautiful Mind.  Note to self:  may want to make sure I'm nicely dressed if our house is on fire.  Ha,ha, ha.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Man, there were no firefighters at our library that looked like Russel Crowe. You lucky duck! Forget A Beautiful Mind, you have to see Robin Hood. Russel in Medieval garb. Hello!!!!