Adoption Timeline

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cruise - In

Thursday evening, we had a family fun night, and it was FREE, well, except for the gas that we used.  We started the evening with a early supper at a Chinese restaurant we had never been to before.  I won a gift certificate there from the library's adult summer reading program.  I knew having my nose stuck in a book would pay off for me one of these days!  Scott and I each ordered different entrees and split them with Hunter (and with each other too, of course).  We were so stuffed; we should have gotten half orders, and we could have used the rest of the gift certificate another time.  Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.  Hunter really enjoyed the long noodles of the chicken lo mein.
Then we headed over to another little town for a classic car cruise-in.  According to my sister, this restaurant has been having them weekly during the summer, and this was the last one for this season.  Therefore, it was probably also the biggest.  There were hundreds of cars!  It was fun walking around, listening to the oldies music from the sound system, and looking at some really nice (and some not so nice) cars.  It was also funny hearing my Mom say things like, "Oh a _____ (insert name of car).  I dated a _________." or  "A ________, the Breen family always drove a ________." 

Hunter (and Dad) liked this shiny, red camaro.  Actually I kept noticing Scott checking out each camaro all evening.  I finally told him we could get one when we retire and drive it to all the cruise-ins together. 

Hunter asked me to take a picture of this blue one because it had "General Lee engine".  I'm not sure if that meant the orange or it had the numbers 01 on it somewhere, but I obliged.

Dad and Hunter pose in front of an old Ford while we wait for Grandma, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jeremy to catch up to us.

I asked Hunter to pose in front of this old truck because Aunt Amy has always loved them.  This one is for you, Amy.

Uncle Jeremy pointing out something underneath this big red truck.  Hunter was sticking close to his side which may also have had something to do with the fact that Uncle Jeremy had a bag of popcorn.

Last, but certainly the best, my favorite - a '68 Mustang.  It had a beautiful blue paint job with a white leather top, and the license plate on the back said "Whoa Horsy!"  I told Scott he needed to buy me one, but he didn't seem to agree.  So I had my picture taken next to it, probably the closest I'll ever get.  I don't know what Hunter's crazy pose was all about.  Just being 4, I guess.

1 comment:

Richelle said...

Ok, so I guess it would depend on my mood...but I love the mustang (for days when I want to drive fast and live dangerously) AND the truck (for days when I want to slow down and enjoy the scenery). Cool pics, Jen!