Adoption Timeline

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Countdown to Baby

I really haven't talked much about my pregnancy but as of today, I am 38 weeks along. People tell me I am not looking it, but trust me, I am feeling it. I'm not complaining because I know what a blessing it is to carry this baby after we thought we would not have any more biologically, but there comes a point where you just can't do things you normally do just fine, like bending over, getting up off the couch, climbing a flight of stairs without totally losing your breath, or walking without feeling like a duck waddling. It has been a pretty good pregnancy, and I'm so thankful I got to do it one more time.

Due to my clotting issues, meds, and higher risks, my doctor has decided to induce me one week from today. So barring any crazy complications, our son will be born next Thursday, Dec. 6.  In some ways it is nice to know in advance to have all the details worked out for Hunter and Shelby.

Keep us in your prayers next week that everything goes smoothly for delivery.  I would also appreciate prayer for the kids adjustment, especially Shelby, who I think is going to have a really hard time. Just a hunch!

1 comment:

Richelle said...

Wow! That time went fast, at least for me anyway. I just read this today, so I'm sure you won't be reading this comment since you'll be getting ready for the big day tomorrow, of luck! I hope and pray all goes smoothly for you!! Can't wait to see pics!