Adoption Timeline

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Week of School/ Garden Craziness

Hunter started school this week - a big first grader! He was wwwaaaayyyy more nervous for this year than he was last year (not sure why). His teacher has been doing a lot of testing, procedure setting, and just getting the year off to a good start this week, so thankfully he has had no homework. Each day, he has had good things to report, so I think we are off to a good start.
Ready to head down to the bus.

The rain over the last few weeks has turned my lack-luster garden into a sudden bumper crop. Today, I snapped and canned a batch of green beans, made a batch of spaghetti sauce, and made a batch of dill pickles to use up all the crazy cucumbers. I'm exhausted, and tomorrow I get to pick beans again and make another batch of spaghetti sauce with all the tomatoes ripening in my garage that will rot over the weekend if I don't get to them.
A good day's work - man, was I tired!

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