Ok, where the time has gone I just don't know. I'm getting worse and worse at this blogging thing. Our family is just busy with family stuff, school stuff, church stuff, etc., and I spend less and less time on the computer. So here are a few highlights of what's been going on:
*Scott has almost gotten the upstairs part of our new addition ready for carpet. The big push has been on since hunting season is coming quickly (and we need some meat for the freezer). All of the trim and baseboard is up. We are washing walls and doing all the little but time consuming touch-ups. Hopefully we will have carpet installed and kids moved into their "new" rooms in just a few weeks. Of course, many of the other 'getting ready for winter' things have needed his attention too.
*Shelby is initiating more signing - Yay!! Even at places other than home, she will tell me she is hungry which is a big step in my eyes. Her favorite sign is cookie which she tries to tell me she needs all the time. She also has clearly (to me anyway) said "Hunter" 3 times in the last week. All of this is very encouraging to a momma who is getting very tired of whining, tantrums, and meltdowns. Hopefully she is starting to realize that she can communicate in ways other than those 3 things.
*Hunter is loving school and completed his first nine weeks last Friday. Last night he read me a book (mostly) that he had checked out from the library last week. I was thrilled with all the sight words he could get and all the words he could sound out or get from context clues and pictures. He is growing more independent and sure of himself (and Mom is STILL missing him every day!).
*I have been busy canning, getting some sweet potatoes and late tomatoes put up. I still need to tackle applesauce but my enthusiasm in that area is quickly depleting. Pray for one last burst for me to get applesauce put up because Shelby loves it and will eat about anything that is mixed with it. I am also coleading a small group at our ladies bible study and really enjoying it. They put up with my emotional blubbering well, and I get to pray for them. I was really nervous about it because, frankly, I'm one of the younger ladies in our small group, but the Lord has helped us find some common bonds and share openly with each other pretty quickly. I'm also enjoying learning the leadership side of a group of women that have really blessed me in the past few years.
*God has blessed us with two wonderful therapists for Shelby. They come twice a week. They are willing to work on everything from eating to health issues with her in addition to the speech and developmental things. They are both sooooo knowledgeable and easy to work with.
We had a nice time at a Schaetzle extended family gathering on Saturday. I didn't take enough pictures of the kids decorating pumpkins, but I got a few. I'll try to post about that soon. Right now housework is calling, and I've procrastinated long enough.
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