Adoption Timeline

Saturday, June 4, 2011

This is Kel, blogging for Jen...she's a little preoccupied right now.

Here's most of the fam waiting at the gate:

Hunter made this sign for Shelby-

getting off the plane...

meeting new family members,

She didn't want to let go of her daddy!

But she clung to mom too:

sorry about the random guy's behind, but she had a cute smile...I couldn't resist posting this one!

Then we all went back to their house to have dinner and relax...well, most of us were relaxing, Hunter was a little wound up...

Shelby finally got to have a little time to get to know her big brother...

Now presenting the new and improved Schaetzle family:

ok, 1 last video of the new cutie:


Carissa said...

Super Exciting! Glad you are home and starting to adjust. Praying for continued improvement! :)

gregmelissamiller said...

What a joy to see her pictures and all of your smiling faces. We are excited to meet her! :)

Haley said...

Wow!!! She is SO adorable. So happy for you Jen!!

Kelly Lorenz said...

So happy for your family Jen! The girls and I just looked at your blog and of course I cried! Many blessings to you all!