Adoption Timeline

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Hunter!

Chillin' with his kitty
 Five years ago today, I was doing a lot of walking the halls and rocking in a rocking chair in the maternity wing waiting for a little guy to make his big appearance.  He kept me waiting most of the day but made his entrance into this world finally a few minutes before 5pm.  Since then he has been a ball of energy, growing and learning every day.  The time has gone so fast.  It seems just a blink since we buckled him into his carseat for his homecoming.  Now he is riding a bike and swinging across monkey bars all by himself.  We love him so much and are so thankful for the gift God has given us in parenting him.  Happy Birthday, Hunter!

Silly face cuz Mom is snapping herself in the pic and not watching what H is doing


Richelle said...

Hope you had a great birthday, Hunter! Cute face in the pic with mom! :)

Thad and Ann said...

Happy Birthday Hunter! I love the last picture. :)